XV. Workshop Algorithms in gastrointestinal endoscopy and endoscopic ultrasound
Croatian Society of Gastroeneterology and Association of Nurses and Tecnicians in Gastroenterology of Croatia. GI Endoscopy Unit Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology University Hospital Centre Zagreb
Education Centre of University of Zagreb, Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb / Botteri Hall
Date & time
November 9th, 2018
Basic information
We are delighted to announce traditional 15th Workshop “Algorithms in gastrointestinal endoscopy and endoscopic ultrasound”, which will be held at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb on 9th November 2018. WS is organized by the Endoscopic section of Croatian Society of Gastroenterology and Association of Nurses and Technicians in Gastroenterology and Endoscopy of Croatia and it takes place at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Refereral Center for Interventional Gastroenterology of the Ministry of Health, Referal Center for Telemedicine in Gastroenterology of the Ministry of Health, Republic of Croatia and “Host unit” Training Center of ESGE (European Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy) and ESGENA (European Society of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Nurses and Associates) as well. This year programme is dedicated to advanced techniques in GI endoscopy, named “Advanced GI endoscopy and its impact on quality“. Procedures will be performed by local stuff and our esteemed guests: 1. Professor Alessandro Repici, Director of Endoscopy | Humanitas Research Hospital & Humanitas University, Milano,Italy. 2. Professoe Klaus Monkemuller, Director of Gastroenterology, Frankenwald Klinikum, Kronach, Germany. 3. Professor Lars Aabakken, ESGE past president, GI Endoscopy Oslo, University Hospital Rikshospitalet 0027 Oslo, Norway 4. Prim.dr. Milan Stefanović, Diagnostični center Bled d.o.o. Bled, Slovenia. As well as every year in the afternoon younger endoscopists could practice same procedures on mechanical, ex vivo animal, and live porcine models. We will do our best as always to make you feel comfortable and welcome in our town.
Additional information
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